Thursday, May 29, 2014

Finals week

Everyone remembers finals week! Am I right? The stress, no sleep, no social life whatsoever, physical and mental exhaustion. You remember. Let me tell you the honest truth here. I have never been really perfect at prayers and scripture reading at night and mornings. But I'm not going to lie the things that I have noticed that have helped me the most through just review week. Is all of those. Attending church and seminary and mutual activities, also prayers and scripture reading. It really does help. It kick starts your day and allows you to start it in a spirituality uplifting way. I have noticed I am more awake and focused of what is going one. And that the best days this year have been when I am doing those things. So I invite you to do so to. Especially finals week. IT HELPS!! I promise. Have a great week everyone. Teens. We. Are. Almost. There. Just a little longer. You've got this!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

"let us all speak kind words to each other."

We should be kinder to each other always. And looking for opportunities to make someone feel better. You have no idea what the stranger next to you on the bus or at work is going through. And just a smile or a funny comment could make or break them. I feel like we have so many missed opportunities as the human race now a days because we have this technology at our fingertips that are just hovering in front of our faces all day every day whenever we can. And I know I'm kin of a hypocrite because it is typical stereotype as teens to have our phone in our face. But I can tell you honestly that I'm working my best at using it as little a possible. And putting it down or keeping it in my pocket as I'm walkingdown the   hallway at school. I'm sure you have all seen the look up from your phone video and all the missed opportunities just that one day. Imagine that everyday. With every person on earth. What are we really accomplishing by using our phone 24/7. I noticed my family members weren't treating each other kindly because the other was hogging technology. We shouldn't let technology run our lives. They are meant to improve not deceive and distract. We need to be spending more time with families and focusing on the opportunities we have in front o us everyday and speak kindly to each other and not let technology run our lives. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Better than you think you are.

My YW in my ward had our new beginnings tonight and it was themed around coming to Christ and we had some really great talks about the for the straight of youth. And there was our bishops talk which related fishing to the for strength of youth. And then one about our YW values by one of our leaders. Then before we presented all our projects for the new incoming YW. The leaders got up and sang a song for us tht was basically saying you don't know who you really are you are better than you think you are. And that Heavenly Father knows who you are and also knows who you will become. And it was beautiful. It move me to tears because it is what I needed to hear as a teenage girl we always feel like we aren't good enough and aren't the prettiest or the best. But we need to turnout hearts to god and know that he loves us for who we are and also go we will become because he knows. We are all better than we think we are.