Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Better than you think you are.

My YW in my ward had our new beginnings tonight and it was themed around coming to Christ and we had some really great talks about the for the straight of youth. And there was our bishops talk which related fishing to the for strength of youth. And then one about our YW values by one of our leaders. Then before we presented all our projects for the new incoming YW. The leaders got up and sang a song for us tht was basically saying you don't know who you really are you are better than you think you are. And that Heavenly Father knows who you are and also knows who you will become. And it was beautiful. It move me to tears because it is what I needed to hear as a teenage girl we always feel like we aren't good enough and aren't the prettiest or the best. But we need to turnout hearts to god and know that he loves us for who we are and also go we will become because he knows. We are all better than we think we are. 

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