Thursday, May 29, 2014

Finals week

Everyone remembers finals week! Am I right? The stress, no sleep, no social life whatsoever, physical and mental exhaustion. You remember. Let me tell you the honest truth here. I have never been really perfect at prayers and scripture reading at night and mornings. But I'm not going to lie the things that I have noticed that have helped me the most through just review week. Is all of those. Attending church and seminary and mutual activities, also prayers and scripture reading. It really does help. It kick starts your day and allows you to start it in a spirituality uplifting way. I have noticed I am more awake and focused of what is going one. And that the best days this year have been when I am doing those things. So I invite you to do so to. Especially finals week. IT HELPS!! I promise. Have a great week everyone. Teens. We. Are. Almost. There. Just a little longer. You've got this!

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