Tuesday, April 22, 2014

True beauty

This is not like gospel truth here but I know it is true for me. True beauty can not be defined in words really but in actions definitely. For example. I was looking at this girl who isn't Mormon that I know is known for being immodest all the time. So I decided to look at her profile on Facebook to see what she was really like before I just judge. And I have to be honest. I was jealous. I'm not the skinniest person ever. And I'm not huge either. But as I was looking at this all these guys giving her attention that I don't get and all of them saying something about how hot she is and how hot her BODY is. Ya. Her body. Not her herself. Then it finally hit me that they don't even care that she doesn't have a personality. No one does. Not even the girls. All they care about is how much better she looks in a swimsuit than they do. And I realized that that isn't the attention I want. And its not the attention I want for anyone really. Because even though you feel beautiful And people tell you you are hot or beautiful. It isn't true beauty in that way. I'm not saying when someone says oh your so pretty or your so beautiful is a bad thing. I'm saying receive it the right way in the right situation. For example posting your ? daily selfie of what you are wearing to school and someone says oh you look so pretty or beautiful. That is a good thing. Recieving it like that girl in my school. Not so much. Learn what is the right attention to have. True beauty will make you the happiest the longest. And remember hottest is modest. It really really is.

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