Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why I love and hate being Mormon

Like it or not as a teenager being Mormon is tough. I won't lie to you. Your friends that aren't or are but still go out and have fun parties And date before their 16 (sarcasm) they do what they want without even thinking of the consequences. That word, Just that one word changes that whole view on that sentence and you didn't even notice I bet. CONSEQUENCES still exists whether you are Mormon or not. So doing what is right will always be important especially when you know the truth. It doesn't matter what your friends are doing now. They will have consequences I mean Think about what their life will be like in twenty years because of the poor choices they make now. That is what I do to keep myself motivated to sticking to the straight and narrow path. I don't gloive myself extra room to think about well if I did this it will bring me immediate happiness. No it will bring you eternal suffering. So don't give in! Don't give in to anything! You know what's right so do it. Such a simple concept yet always seems the toughest because of the way society is. In our society Everyone holds Mormons to a higher standard because of lack for a better word think we should be perfect and act that way when in reality we aren't anywhere near being perfect. Just closer to the truth than them. So when we do give in and people know we are Mormon and later down their lifetime that person meets another Mormon and say oh I knew a Mormon. Ya they were crazy drinkers or druggies or partiers. And when that person tells them. Oh. Well they weren't suppose to be doing that. Well how does the church now look to that person? Why would they want to join a church with unfaithful members? Doesn't that defeat the purpose. Hold yourself to a higher standard and represent our church well. I have found in my own experiences it is better to stick to the straight and narrow then veer off into who knows what because in reality. Doing what is right will make us much much happier. My seminary teacher is a very smart man. And knows how us teenagers work pretty darn well. So he can tell us a thing or two about how our choices will affect us and we need to think before we act. So I advise you to take That And apply it to your life wherever you may be. In the end it will make you much much happier. Thirty years from now or even five maybe even months after, Will that party, that drink, the heroine or weed you just took, that sex you had with that really cute guy/girl whose name you can't even remember matter? Because I can promise you. It won't. And more often than not You will have regretted it. Live your life to where you will feel most happy naturally. Naturally isn't by using fake things like drugs and alcohol that the world says will make you happy and I guarantee you, you will be more happy than they are after this life and in the eternities. Don't let their choices dictate your decisions. Oh and as for hating it. I dont. I love it i have nothing to complain about. I am so much happier than pretty much anyone i go to school with. 

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